“Frequently on the edge of your seat”
Writing Back is a very grown up eclectic mix of short stories. It is beautifully written and frequently has you on the edge of your seat or unknowingly holding your breath. The stories are all very different genres which makes the book very clever and broadens it's appeal to more adults.
The author has done a huge amount of research to get the respective stories as accurate as possible and the variation of themes is breathtaking. You are transported to paradise, apocalyptic buildings, subconscious and dreams with a fluency that belies the age of this new author.
It is without question worth the read and hopefully represents the first of many to come...
Praise for Writing Back: Stories from the brink
“An amazing potpourri of places and dreams”
Wow! I am the epitome of the guy who is in "Dream Girl", it gave me goosebumps as I could relate to it so well. This collection of stories is such a breath of fresh air, each story has an interesting plot and is very individual in its content. Very much aimed at adults but cleverly written with amazing descriptive passages that transport the reader to a myriad of situations and destinations.
I would definitely put a copy of "Writing Back" in my suitcase and look forward to leisurely days drifting off to an amazing potpourri of places and dreams.
All in all a great read and well worth making the time for.
Jean Paul
Praise for Writing Back: Stories from the brink
“Great read”
Most amazing stories. Would recommend to everyone. Stories straight from the heart.
Debs B
Praise for Writing Back: Stories from the brink
A fantastic read. You really get immersed into each story. Very well written. Definitely recommend.
Praise for Writing Back: Stories from the brink